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Bella Clava’s goin’ to the DESERT – Aug 27

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Bella Clava’s goin’ to the DESERT – Aug 27

August 27, 2013 @ 5:00 pm


We are combusting with excitement for our upcoming recording session at the legendary Rancho de la Luna in Joshua Tree in a few weeks. Jody and Scott are going to be hanging out in the beautiful TBay for a few days before we leave for Cali, so we’re taking advantage of having the band in town and are throwing a bash to raise a little hell and some funds to help cover expenses.
Some bands launch kickstarter campaigns to help cover recording costs….but we’d rather throw a party at our favourite old haunt, Black Pirate’s Pub, and we’d LOVE to see you there.
You can read more at , but here is the Cole’s Notes version:
“We are over-the-moon with excitement to announce that at the end of August


August 27, 2013
5:00 pm
Fu Manchu


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