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LU Radio 102.7 FM

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Event Schedule

Explore the latest music events happening in Thunder Bay and surrounding areas.

CILU’s Outdoor Music Sale

LU Radio 102.7 FM Thunder Bay, ON, Canada

It's the return of CILU's Outdoor Music Sale! Saturday September 19th come browse music related items from CILU's vaults, local merchants, programmers and collectors! CD's, Vinyl, Cassettes, Posters, T-Shirts and more!
The event happens in the side yard of 707 Oliver Rd. from 10am to 3pm (no early birds please, we move slow in the morning!). There will also be a musical performance by The Bedford Level Experiment in the early afternoon!
Have some music related items you'd like to get rid of but don't have the time or energy to sell them? Feel free to donate them to CILU (we can arrange pick up even!) and we'll make sure they get to a good home!
Maybe you DO have the time and would like a table yourself! It's free and you keep all the money you make!
Either way, contact Jason at 766-7260 or by email at and he'll get you set up!

Free To Attend, But Bring Some MOney To Buy, Buy, Buy!

LU Radio Annual Outdoor Music Sale – Sept 13

LU Radio 102.7 FM Thunder Bay, ON, Canada

Saturday September 13th, come by 707 Oliver Rd. (LU Radio) between 10am and 2pm to check out CD's, vinyl, cassettes and other music paraphernalia from LU Radio's vaults, our programmers, collectors and vendors from around town.
We'll also have our backyard BBQ fired up so that you can keep your strength up while checking out all the goodies!
If you are a collector, vendor, music junkie, or a band interested in selling band swag, and want a spot, get in touch with Jason at: 766-7260 or


This is Canada: The Finale LIVE!

LU Radio 102.7 FM Thunder Bay, ON, Canada

Tune in to 102.7 FM for the kick ass 2 hr LIVE season finale of "This is Canada" featuring live performances from 8 of Thunder Bay's amazing bands/musicians.