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Event Schedule

Explore the latest music events happening in Thunder Bay and surrounding areas.

Cheech & Chong – Oct 28

While their herbal remedies may colour a bit too far outside the lines for some, the comedy of Cheech and Chong is just the right amount of risqué. Their live comedy tour shows the two funnymen at the top of their game, letting fly zingers left and right and skewering anything and everything that tickles their fancy and their funny bone. Of course they riff on their iconic caricatures, but they also wield irreverent and satirical bits that take aim at a range of issues and take no prisoners with their quick wit and clever jokes. A timeless match of comics, Cheech and Chong are not to be missed!


— Onur’s Sh*tty Shirt Bday Bash @ BPP!! NO COVER!!! —

Well folks, its that time of year again!!!! I was almost not going to do a party at the pub, being a Monday and all, but hey, I just could not refused once Kyle Lees helped me with the art... So here it is:
Come down this Monday and party with me for my 35th Bday!!!
Dress in your crappiest grossest most terrible shirt possible. Hawaiian, etc... Prizes will be awarded for worst shirts, and other random giveaways.
The Married Singlemen will be performing, and will be very drunk as per my demands!!! Punk/Metal/Party music will be played before and after their performance.
There is no cover, 19+, Doors open at 10pm.
Lots of people, me included, are going to Cheech and Chong that night at the Auditorium, so no one will be there until 10pm. Come down after and party!!!
Sponsored by Molson Coors Canada
Hope to see everyone there!!!

No Cover